Matt and a baby
Matt and his daughter Apple foraging Autumn Olives in the park!

If you’ve noticed that we’ve been quiet for a while, we have a very good excuse.

As of 2023, Matt is the father of a new baby. It’s taken a little time to adapt to the miraculous chaos of parenting while also starting a new homestead!

Having a child has renewed Matt’s fire for teaching care of the earth and each other. Now that he’s finally feeling rooted, he is more ready than ever to share this art that has always been for the ones who will live after us.

We have also renamed our little Permaculture practice! Golden Egg Permaculture is now Silver Branch School of Permaculture – or just “Silver Branch Permaculture” for short. You will always be able to find us at If you’re curious what’s behind the name, you can read about the change.

We are now open again to seeing a small number of clients in NC and Southwest VA and preparing to teach a whole bunch of workshops in 2025! If you’re interested in workshops, sign-up below. If you’d like to work with us for a permaculture design on your own land, contact us here.

Categories: Announcements


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